Harmonization at Sea

Harmonization in Marine Environment:

Chronological list:

  • Jan/2009 – Small area in the channel of Ilha das Cabras – SP;
  • Feb/2009 – Harmonization expansion for the entire channel between Ilha das Cabras – SP and Ilhabela – SP (Click here)
  • Mar/2009 – Surrounding the main island of Laje de Santos – SP (Click here)
  • Jun/2009 – Around Ilha Grande and the Bay formed between the island and the towns of Parati – RJ and Angra dos Reis – RJ;(Click here)
  • Jun/2009 – Surrounding the sandbank and the Bay of Sepetiba in continuity of the Ilha Grande Bay.(Click here)  
  • Dec/2009 – Archipelago and Parcel of Abrolhos and also covering a large area around it, a 50% upper limit defined by the boundary of ParNam- ICMBIO Abrolhos. (Click here)
  • Mar/2010 – South Coast of Pernambuco, from Jaboatao river until Persinunga river in Sao Jose da Coroa Grande on the border with Alagoas, covering the APA Coral Coast in the state and the continental platform to a 30 meters depth. (Click here)
  • Mar/2010 – North Central Coast of Pernambuco, from the Jaboatao river until Itamaraca Island covering the Manatee Project and the continental platform to a 55 meters depth (Click here)
  • Apr/2010 – Coast of the Bay of Paraty – RJ to Ponta da Jamanta in Pereque Acu – SP in extension of Ilha Grande Bay towards the South (Click here) 
  • May/2010 – North coast of Sao Paulo, from Ponta da Jamanta in Pereque Acu – SP until the cove’s entrance of Caraguatatuba – SP (Click here)
  • Aug/2010 – Maragogi Coast – AL from near Barra Grande –AL at North until Japaratinga – AL at South (Click here)
  • Aug/2010 – Expansion of the initial harmonization of Laje de Santos including the area of Calhaus and a damping zone (Click here)
  • Oct/2010 – Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (PE) comprising the area terrestrial inhabited and marine’s environment around the islands until 50 feet bellow of water surface and a seaward damping zone until 500 meters depth as limit. (Click here)

We have listed above only the harmonization carried out until October 2010 to serve as a reference and study site for those who wish to assess the benefits of energy harmonization on the spot.


Links to photos taken during the recognition and subsequent follow up are on the descriptive page of the harmonized regions.

In our facebook page we present the photo of the maps with the delimitation of all the places that have been harmonized energetically, until the present day, including regions created only as refuge for the survival of the corals:

  • Jul/2012 – Approximately 45 km wide corridor, created in the high sea, from the region of Ilha Grande / Paraty, descending southwards, behind Ilhabela (SP) and involving the Alcatrazes Archipelago, Laje de Santos, Queimada Grande and in the sequence drifting to the coast and covering APA Litoral Sul, APA Ilha Comprida arriving until the channel of the Bay of Paranaguá (PR). The goal was to broaden the interregional connection to enhance the spawning process of spawning and the flow of coral recruits. [map]
  • Aug/2012 – South / Central Coast of Santa Catarina covering a range of 35km to 25km offshore, from the Island of Canas (SC) passing through the Arvoredo APA, Florianópolis, APA Baleia Franca, following to Parcel de Torres (RS) . [map]
  •  Aug/2012 – North Coast of Brazil, ranging from Pontal do Trapiá (CE), Litoral do Maranhão, Parcel Manoel Luis (MA), Pará Coast and Amapá, to Cape Orange on the border with French Guiana. [map]
  • Aug/Sep/2012 – Created an immense refuge to eventually meet the future recovery of coral and marine life in the Indian Ocean, covering the Lakshadweep and Maldives Islands and Atolls and a huge area around them. [map]
  • Aug/Sep /2016 – Another immense refuge is created to eventually assist in the future recovery of coral and marine life in the adjacent Pacific Ocean regions. The regions involved were: North Coral Sea and Salomon Sea to the height of Vanuatu, bounded on the outside of the Great Barrier Reef and Papua New Guinea to the north. [map]
  • Aug/2016 – Fiji Islands archipelago and a large buffer area surrounding the 330 Islands. The local population after the bleaching that occurred in the region, have acquired an enormous awareness on the conservation and maintenance of activities for the recovery of corals and marine life. [map]

Although some regions have less than 7 years of harmonization, promising news on coral resilience and resilience is already available.

Environmental harmonization aims to reward regions and populations that are effectively interested in preserving corals and marine life, and act accordingly.