North Coast – PE

Pernambuco Coast North and Central, from the Jaboatao river until Itamaraca Island:

March/2010 – taking advantage of our stay in Recife – PE, we went to make a shipwreck recognition, which act as artificial reefs in the local biodiversity development and there are in great quantity in the region. We also visited the Manatee Project in Itamaraca Island.
Shipwrecks visited:

1. Servemar I at 24 meters deep    Biotic Registered: zero <zero> +10        With still a little biodiversity developed.

2. Pirapama at 24 meters deep.
Biotic Registered: zero <+5> +20     
It is an antique shipwreck and has a good heterogeneous biodiversity with several corals and quite marine life.
It is already possible to see some bleaching beginning signs.

The yellow line on the map below demarcates the limits of the region which has been harmonized, including the Manatee Project in the Itamaraca Island and reaching all continental platform until 55 meters depth where are the majority of shipwrecks: